We are back into it and refreshed, inspired, excited to serve you again this year!

2023 felt like a hard recovery year for us as a small business. But we did it and are doing it! AND we flourished in so many other ways too! We connected so much deeper with each other and with more meaning as a family and team, we got very clear on the direction we wanted to head in and what needed to happen to do so. We sharpened and refined our business skills! I'm so proud and grateful for what we have created, what we have to offer and how we work together and how we are growing!
We continued to export products to Japan, Taiwan and also partnered with a new retail partner in Australia. All these opportunities continue to be exciting.
We experienced the ongoing loyalty and support of those retail stockists who we are still partnered with and our wonderful customers who continue to love our products! I'm so grateful for this beyond words! Thank you!
I sit here appreciating ALL times, and situations ease and challenges for the gift they were to us in 2023 and the lessons and opportunities they contributed to our lives and business.
We are excited about 2024!

Here are some lessons shared from all of us that we learned in 2023 not necessarily in any order ;) and some said with humour!
Business is so much more enjoyable, more likely to succeed and flow better when we align ourselves with those who are 100% into who we are, our products and brand.
Delays work in your favour
Pulling the reigns and slowing things down is awesome
Good things really do take TIME and thought and care
Trust the process and let go of the outcome
Enjoy the process, if you don't enjoy the process, ask yourself why you are doing what you are doing.
Clarify you're intentions
It's never too late
Take time to clarify what is really important
It's ok to stop, it's ok to change your mind, it's ok to change direction
It's ok to say no even when it feels uncomfortable to do so or it's not welcomed
One is not required to please everyone
Less is more because with less you can do things with more excellence!
Not to overcomplicate or overthink stuff
Get enough sleep
Be authentic/yourself it's so much easier
You can change your mind (Did I mention that already?)
If something isn't working it's ok to let it go
Looking at the possibilities is way more fun than looking at limitations
Being grateful is a great way of being present
Everyone wants to be heard and understood
Practicing using unfiltered imagination is a great way of staying inspired (that's deep!)
Allow yourself to be bored at times as it creates an opportunity for spontaneous creativity
You don't have to be stimulated constantly
Being modest and humble doesn't mean dimming your light
Appreciating that something/someone is beautiful as it is - including yourself
You can dream again!
We have loved the emails and messages we receive from you, and we appreciate them a lot.
Thanks so much for continuing to be here and being part of the Mia Belle community.
Sending love to you all out there from all of us here at Mia Belle!
Cath xoxox